The ultimate aim of every dental procedure is to try as much to protect natural teeth and gums and improve oral health. Every dental professional concentrates on treating dental infection and takes steps to make sure that the problem does not reoccur. A tooth restoration is required to protect a tooth which is badly decayed or injured. Dental crowns are most widely used in dentistry for protecting weak/damaged tooth because of their functional and esthetic benefits. A number of different types of dental crowns have been developed in modern times to rightly suit the needs of natural teeth. Some of the crowns available today look more attractive than natural teeth. They are produced from complex procedures which help them bear high stress and load. If you have a decayed or injured tooth, make an appointment and meet our dentist. Our dental crowns in Colton, CA can be the solution to protect your natural tooth and aid you with biting and chewing.
What are dental crowns?
Dental crowns are caps made of selective biocompatible materials. A crown covers the decayed/damaged natural tooth, supporting it in its functions and protecting it from harm in future. A decayed or damaged tooth is firstly repaired through appropriate procedures. The tooth is then prepared. The dentist removes a certain amount of top layer of the natural tooth to make space for the placement of a Dental crown. The procedure is performed with the help of local anesthesia. The dentist then takes impressions of the tooth to prepare a temporary crown. The permanent crown, which is prepared in the lab, can be made of metal or porcelain. The placement of permanent crown takes place during the next second dental visit. Once in place, a dental crown can last for as many as 10-15 years, provided the patient takes proper care of the crown.
Dental crown – Usage
There are several instances where dental crowns find an application. Following are some of the common conditions where dental crowns can be used.
- Restoring broken tooth
- Along with dental implants as a replacement for lost tooth
- Protecting a tooth with large filling or severely decayed tooth
- Protecting weak tooth