Tooth loss is one of the most undesirable states in dentistry. Missing teeth can reduce a person’s confidence to eat hard food items. Orthodontic and bone-related problems that arise from tooth loss can have long-term impacts on oral health. Many restorations in dentistry are designed to aid basic functionalities of natural teeth and prevent dental problems that arise from tooth loss. Dental implants have an important position among teeth restorations because of their functional benefits and their natural qualities. Once in place, the implanted tooth can work as good as a natural tooth. They are easy to clean and maintain. A successful dental implant surgery means patients have a restoration which can last a lifetime. If you are worried about your missing tooth and want to get it restored, make an appointment and meet our dentist in Colton, California. Our dental implants may be the right option for replacing your lost tooth.
Tooth loss and Dental Implants
There can be many reasons for tooth loss. Poor hygiene, which leads to tooth and gum infection, accidental injury and aging, are some of the most common reasons. Tooth loss causes a gap in the dentition which leads to an imbalance in bite forces. The teeth nearby may tend to move towards the gap causing misalignments. The gap attracts which lodge over the gums. If not removed from time-to-time, the food lodgment can lead to gum infection. When there are many teeth missing, the supporting bone structure loses stimulation. This causes bone restoration where the valuable natural bone is lost.
Dental implants can prevent all these problems. The implant is a metal post that is designed to bond with the natural bone strongly. Once the implant integrates with the bone, it is stable and performs wonderfully. The implanted tooth can be cleaned just like natural teeth. A bit of extra care in cleaning the area around soft tissues under the crown can prevent gum infection and maintain good oral health.
Dental Implant Surgery
The most important prerequisite for a dental implant surgery is healthy jawbones. Any person who has enough volume in the supporting bone structure can get dental implant surgery. Cases, where the patient is undergoing radiation therapy in the head region may not be suitable for implant surgery. The initial dental visits will involve thorough oral examination and treatment planning. The dentist considers the position of nearby teeth and the shape of bone when mapping position for implant placement.
The implant is surgically placed in the jawbone. This process requires local anesthesia. A small incision is made in the soft gum tissues. A bony recess is created in the supporting bone and implant is torque in position. The dentist sutures the gums back and leaves the implant to heal. During the healing period, the implant integrates with the bone. The crown is fabricated in the lab after taking impressions of teeth. During the final visit, the dentist fixes the crown over the implant through abutment.